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Denver Area Youth For Christ Booklet
This draws the reader in and showcases all that Denver Area Youth For Christ has to offer.
It was created to be printed and handed out to anyone who wants to know more about the organization, as it strives to reach kids who are 11 to 19 years old, connect with them wherever they are in life, and try to give them a sense of hope.
A lot of time was spent deciding which pictures to use, the layout, the order of subjects, their descriptions, ways to get involved, and actions to stay in touch with the organization.
The images above show the screen view, while the right side displays the physical appearance.
It is intended to be a booklet that can be sent by mail to inform recipients about the Denver Area Youth For Christ. That's why the final page has space for an address and a marker indicating where to place the stamp.
Denver Area Youth For Christ Brochures
These brochures are similar to the Denver Area Youth For Christ Booklet, but they have been divided to concentrate on one ministry at a time.
With each ministry's title on the cover, each booklet includes a description, impact statistics, and details on how to get involved—either by participating or providing financial support.
For each ministry, Juvenile Justice Ministry reaches kids in Juvenile Detention Centers, Parent Life is centered on young parents, Mentoring groups youth and adults together, and Campus Life is focused on middle and high schoolers.
OMF Magazine
Here is a magazine made for another organization, OMF, which is referred to by the acronym. The following text describes the missionaries located in Southeast Asia, and it contains accounts of their experiences in different regions.